If you are watching a video and you get an error, how do you fix it? You will need to check your network connection (usually your WiFi), make sure you are connecting to the right servers and, if probably still arise, try lowering quality settings.
Your device needs a stable connection. All you can do to resolve this is to make sure your connection is as stable as can be and try again. A common issue is other people streaming video on the same home Wi-Fi.
Getting to the right servers:
Because the servers for various devices are all located in different parts of the country, sometimes it's a matter of pointing to the right DNS server.
Changing your router's DNS should resolve this. Let's try changing dns or use a VPN.
Lowering Quality Settings
Video quality should be set to "auto" by default, however sometimes an unstable connection may still cause hiccups in the quality selection and cause lengthy buffering times. On mobile devices this may cause the video to stop and say "This video is taking a while to load...". Try setting the quality to a low setting and see if that alleviates the buffering/loading issues.