Isekai Nonbiri Nouka (Dub)
Type: Winter 2023 Anime
Plot Summary:
During the final years of his life, Hiraku Machio remained confined to a hospital bed with a terminal illness until he finally passed away. Taking pity on the unfair life he lived, a god decides to reincarnate Hiraku in another world where he can live as he pleases. Wanting to try farming in this new life, he is bestowed with an all-in-one "Almighty Farming Tool" that can transform into any useful implement he wishes. Hiraku is then transported to a forest seemingly far from civilization. Here, he plans to build and farm everything from scratch—gradually developing the lifeless area into a thriving new society.
Genre: Dub, Fantasy, Isekai, Slice of Life
Released: 2023
Status: Completed
Country: Japanese
Other name: 異世界のんびり農家 いせかいのんびりのうか Farming Life in Another World Isekai Farming - Vita contadina in un altro mondo
Aired: 2023
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